Nazad na djelatnike

izv. prof. dr. sc. Josip Cvenić

Izvanredni profesor

Broj ureda: 18
Srijedom:10:00-11:00 sati

1. Vježbe snage u grupnim fitnes programima (CROSBI ID 841464)

1. 21st International Scientific Conference of Sport Science, Physical Education and Health, Development of integrative fitness – DIF Conference, 2023, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education – Functional abilities of kinesiology students in spinning training (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

2. 21st International Scientific Conference of Sport Science, Physical Education and Health, Development of integrative fitness – DIF Conference, 2023, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education – Differences in exercise motivation between kinesiology students and recreational sport participants (poster prezentacija na engleskom jeziku)

3. 9th International Scientific Conference of Slovenian Gymnastics Federation, 2022, Slovenian Gymnastics Federation,     Effects of functional training in body composition and muscle strength components in younger women (Izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

4. 20th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Challenges in Sport, Physical Exercising & Active Lifestyle (2021), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education,      Preferences of sport anglers regarding age (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

5. 9th International scientific conference on kinesiology, 2021, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia    Adoption of majorette structures in preschool children (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

6. 9th International scientific conference on kinesiology, 2021, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia    Differences in morphological characteristics, motor abilities and functional capacities between students of football and recreation specialization at the Faculty of education in Osijek (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

7. 8th International Performance Analysis Workshop & Conference, 2019, International Network of Sport and Health Science – Contribution to methodology of efficiency evaluation of handball goalkeepers (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

8. 18th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Challenges in Sport, Physical Exercising & Active Lifestyle (2019), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education,    Gender differences in sport and recreational preferences among university students.(izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

9. 5th International Scientific Conference Exercise and Quality of Life (EQOL) From Active Childhood to Healthy Aging, 2019, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Novi Sad, Serbia    Differences in strength dimensions between students of kinesiology and students of mathematics (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)

10. International Scientific Conference The Effects of Applying Physical Activity on the Anthropological Status of Children, Adolescents and Adults  (2018), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Sport and Physical Education – A comparison of bioelectrical impedance and skinfold measurements in the assessment of body composition in university (izlaganje na engleskom jeziku)