
Mendeley seminar organized by the Student Section for Science KIFOS

Dear students,

we invite you to the first presentation of the Student Section for Science KIFOS – Mendeley Seminar, which will take place on Thursday 27. 10, 2022 at 16:00 in the Pampas Hall.

The seminar is intended for all students, and at the presentation we will go through the use of the Mendeley application and searching for references. This knowledge will enable you to write seminar, final and graduate theses easier and faster.
We invite you to bring your computers, so that they can master the use of the Mendeley application faster and easier.

Link to download the application: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/2b7a90491ceb6866e31476dccba3d99720221026092739/1f524a021d2da4eb8eeba4362e791ca620221026092804/481255

See you in the Pampas hall!